What is my life?

<tap tap tap> Is this thing still on?

I thought that the next post I would share here would be about my travels across the proverbial pond back in May. Yes dear internet friends, Fella and I made the journey back to England to see his family (I met his Dad and half sister!) then made our way to the wonderous land of the Swiss. I have started that post and have all of one half of an introduction paragraph. Hey, progress is progress!

But instead of regaling you with travel testimonies and roving anecdotes, I have sat here to offer you a taste of what life is like for this living, breathing blooper reel of a human. Continue reading

Goblins, Ghouls & Vamps: Oh My!

Back in my day…

Nope. I’m not that old. Let me start again…

Once upon a time…

I’m also not a Disney princess–one more time…

Halloween used to be my busy season. I loved every part of the holiday from trick-or-treating to costume contests; haunted houses to carving pumpkins. I don’t recall a Halloween I didn’t celebrate in my childhood and as the years progressed, the quality of celebrations only improved. Continue reading

Ready for Spooky Season

I’m over summer. I got my fill and I’m ready for the seasonal change. Is it just me?

I’ve already started listening to my Halloween music and burning fall-scented candles. I’m just waiting for the temperature to fall below 70 degrees so I can break out my scarves and sweaters.

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Don’t Be Like Me

I’ve been working Saturdays this month (not my norm), so I’ve been taking random days throughout the week off to make up for my extra hours (known as comp time in the corporate world). I decided to take off last Monday, but it wasn’t one of those lazy days where I do nothing but watch tv and play Candy Crush all day. I only did that for half the day…

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Let Me Tell You a Story…

Have you ever had an experience that was so out of the typical realm of reality that people don’t believe you when you tell them? An experience so surreal that you thought it was a dream (or a nightmare)? I have a story that is so unimaginably real, that most don’t believe me when I share it. What say you? Continue reading