A Letter II

Since my Letter to my Ex was so therapeutic for me, I decided to write a similar letter to my ex best friend…

You were the nerdy trumpet player who wore glasses and had braces, but some how rocked it. You were the first person in our drivers ed class to get your license, but asked me questions when you didn’t know the answers. You told me I was the girl that all the other girls were jealous of. You were told to hate me, but we became fast friends instead. You played volleyball and convinced me to join the team. You rode horses and invited me to the barn any chance we got. We went to prom together. We graduated high school together and ended up at the same university where we received the same degree.  Continue reading

Memories I Share With My Ex

When you are in a relationship with someone for some time, you are going to create lasting memories together, but what happens to those memories when the relationship is no more? They still exist, but how are we supposed to remember them: with feelings of fondness, indifference, spite…? Is there a rule? Continue reading