What is my life?

<tap tap tap> Is this thing still on?

I thought that the next post I would share here would be about my travels across the proverbial pond back in May. Yes dear internet friends, Fella and I made the journey back to England to see his family (I met his Dad and half sister!) then made our way to the wonderous land of the Swiss. I have started that post and have all of one half of an introduction paragraph. Hey, progress is progress!

But instead of regaling you with travel testimonies and roving anecdotes, I have sat here to offer you a taste of what life is like for this living, breathing blooper reel of a human. Continue reading

You Gotta Doo What you Gotta Doo

If you’ve been following along for a while, first of all, good on ‘ya! Second of all, are you okay…?

If you’ve been a long-time lurker, then you know I’m somewhat of a fecal non-fictionary; a shit-scribbler if you will–the topic, not the quality (I hope). If you need a refresher, here are posts one and two on the subject. Now if this intro or title in any way offends you or gives you a sense of unease, click out now. This story I’m about to share is graphic, disturbing, raw, and beyond humiliating for the protagonist–yours truly. Continue reading

New Revolution, New Resolve

I think I’m one out of a very small amount of people in the world who makes New Years Resolutions and actually follows through on them. What’s my secret? I’m intentional with my resolutions. What exactly does that mean? Let me explain. Continue reading

Escaping To and From Pigeon Forge

Do you remember when I flew down to Florida to jump out of a plane for my 30th birthday? If you don’t, you’re all caught up. The original plan was for my husband to plan a surprise trip for my 30th and then I took over the planning. What do the kids say these days…? sorry. not sorry.

Well in response to that birthday extravaganza, I felt it appropriate to plan a trip for Fella’s birthday in November. Did he also reach a milestone birthday? Nope. But I’m a loving wife and simultaneously wanted to travel. Yes. I made his birthday a little bit about me, but it was mostly about him. I swear. Continue reading

Do you remember when I flew down to Florida to jump out of a plane for my 30th birthday? If you don’t, you’re all caught up. The original plan was for my husband to plan a surprise trip for my 30th and then I took over the planning. What do the kids say these days…? sorry. not sorry.

Well in response to that birthday extravaganza, I felt it appropriate to plan a trip for Fella’s birthday in November. Did he also reach a milestone birthday? Nope. But I’m a loving wife and simultaneously wanted to travel. Yes. I made his birthday a little bit about me, but it was mostly about him. I swear. Continue reading

Do you remember when I flew down to Florida to jump out of a plane for my 30th birthday? If you don’t, you’re all caught up. The original plan was for my husband to plan a surprise trip for my 30th and then I took over the planning. What do the kids say these days…? sorry. not sorry.

Well in response to that birthday extravaganza, I felt it appropriate to plan a trip for Fella’s birthday in November. Did he also reach a milestone birthday? Nope. But I’m a loving wife and simultaneously wanted to travel. Yes. I made his birthday a little bit about me, but it was mostly about him. I swear. Continue reading